Last weekend we treated ourselves to a night at the The Regent is in Bordeaux. We figured we cant recommend it if we have never stayed there.
It is a world class hotel across from the Opera House.

The entrance, I loved all the pink lights

This is the hallway to the most expensive boutiques in the world. I think only J Lo could afford a dress here.

The tea lounge, they had the best chocolate mousse I have ever had!

The iphone is worth the money just to keep Tatiana entertained,
while Michael and I talked

a very fancy fruit drink

The bar


Our room was amazing, If the designer came to me and said he was going to use grey and yellow stripes, purple toile, black and grey checker head board and red swirly carpet I would have fired him, but you see it works...


our view of the Grande Theatre

another view

its all about the stairs

had to check out the downstairs powder

If you come to Bordeaux you must try a Caneles,
they have a soft and tender custard center and a dark,
thick caramelized crust,
flavored with rum and vanilla.
It is a specialty of Bordeaux.

This restaurant is suppose to have the best beef in town.
All they serve is steak and fries. The hour long line is normal.

We were told Antoine had the most incredible chocolates,
we had to go and investigate

looks yummy

Antoine is also a pâtisserie

ohh la la

Havent quite figured out the difference between
laitière and cr
they both sell cheeses.

our view of the opera at night

our hotel

a christmas market

roasted chestnuts, a tradition

if you get the rope you ride again for free, Tatiana got the rope four times :)

all the streets are so festive

We loved our stay in Bordeaux, we really felt the holiday season. It has been magical living here we really hope one day all our friends will come and visit.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Joyeux Noël