Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carol's Birthday

Its Carol's birthday!

Buying our tickets

going for a hike in San Jacinto

Lunch break on tree stumps

A helping hand by a gentleman

mother daughter moment

family picture

Birthday girl

Monday, April 14, 2008

Shooting a commercial

On April 11 we were on location for a shoot. I am not allowed to mention the commercial on our blog but they did allow me to take some pics.
We all got our hair and makeup done. We sat around for a while while the crew set up.

We actually had our own standins. While shooting the commerical it was so hot that Michael kept sweating so we had to cut and have Michaels makeup redone and shoot again.
We ended up being there 6 hours. It was a lot of work. Tatiana was great except towards the end she would yawn right in front of the camera. I asked if someone would take a picture of us but no one knew how to use an SLR camera so I never got a pic of myself and my camera ready hair :(

Be on the look out in the next couple of months for the Baynes Trio on the tube

On the set of the commercial

we all got our hair and makeup done

Our stand ins..they adjust the lighting on them until the "stars" are ready