Friday, May 27, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tati's celebration

We were not able to celebrate Tatiana's birthday in October and promised her
a party when the weather got nicer

I tried to do a rainbow cake

water balloon toss
step on each others balloon
opening gifts
Some bling :)

Happy 9 1/2 Tati!!

Alpha Retreat

 We took our Bible study to an Alpha retreat, it was held in a convent


the rope for the bell

lunch time
spectacular roses, they are ancient roses from Rome

the bedrooms
the bedrooms, the beds were too small for Michael, we had to go somewhere else

prayer time
teaching time 

We had a mass here

dressing rooms

a very old building with stones from the river

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tatiana got a trampoline!!

Lots of jumping going on here :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter break

Went to Spain for Easter break, stayed at Club Giverola which is in the Costa Brava. It had every activity you can think of. Tatiana loved the kids club.

We took a day trip to Tossa de mar and Girona

 Tatiana plays on my phone during the drive
Michael had to stop and read his blackberry

view of Tossa
we stayed in one of these apartments 

view from our balcony

 all kinds of activities, even pilates 

I took a pottery lesson

attempted to make a vase

amazing pool area

kids pool
tossa castle

tossa town
 A very tired Tatiana, Spaniards eat very late, here it was 7:30 and no one was in the restaurant

the childs plate

door from 1886

 Girona church

it was valentines day, girls get flowers boys get books
 old cobblestone streets
guy doing flips

streets were packed 

Tati got a rose

beautiful archways

 stopping for a drink

 restaurants everywhere

going over the bridge

books for the men

an Italian gelato place, had to try some