We had a lay-over in NYC, I havent been in years, last time I was there they used billboards..not anymore!! It was a bit like Vegas with lights everywhere.
We stayed down the street from Times Square which was the perfect spot.
our hotel
view from our hotel
crazy times square
the central library
inside all the marble was beautiful

this was the most beautiful library I have ever seen
look at that ceiling!
wish I had the time to wander through all the halls
They were charging us quite a bit of money to have our boarding passes printed at the hotel. Here we got them printed here for FREE~
famous NY pizza
Central station, probably one of the most beautiful stations I have ever been to, it was clean and organized. I have seen it in the movies lots of time but you dont feel the grandeur like when you are there
didnt realize there were so many restaurants at the station
the beautiful Chrysler building, amazing Art Deco
Melisa makes these tiny cupcakes for a $1.00, bit pricey but very tasty
Tatiana loved the NY hot dogs
a ferris wheel in toys R us
a very ingenious car park
an M&M store
so many choices
store was packed
this was an incredible Thai restaurant called "Qi" we couldn't resist
it was very yummy!
is this what people do on dates now?
had to try a NY cheesecake
Went to the Brooklyn Tabernacle service. The choir was amazing . Tatiana went into the childrens rooms and loved it, she said she felt very connected with God. Jim's sermon totally moved and convicted us. If you are ever in NYC I highly recommend it.
this is Carol Cymbala who started the church with her husband. It was only 12 people in the beginning. She just came out with a new book "He's been faithful" which I had autographed
Ground Zero ~this place really tugged at my heart
this was the spot where one of the buildings was, it is now a memorial fountain
the names of all the victims were engraved along the fountain
A chief helmet
NY has the best supermarkets!
The Empire State building, there was an hour wait, and cost $150.00 for
the 3 of us to go to the top. Maybe next time
Shake Shack the most popular place at the moment, with a line waiting to get in at all times. We finally walked by when the line wasnt so bad and decided to try it.
They serve Angus beef burgers, which were tasty but no match to In N Out
Central Park, again you see it in movies all the time but don't get the feeling
of just how big it is and how beautiful it is
owned by Trump, we decided to give it a try even though it was a bit
of a rip off ($15.00) per person
We were sad to say good-bye but we hope to be back again