Monday, September 29, 2014

Wasp sting

Last night I was asleep, I went to roll over and rolled right onto a wasp and got stung!

 I was told to put a banana skin on the sting to take away the itch, didn't work
 Let swelled up and itches like crazy, I put vinegar on it to take away the itch, it helped 
3rd day it turns black and blue, I put arnica on it and it helped

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Lourdes is visited by nearly six million pilgrims every year, many of them looking to be healed of pain and disease, turned to the faithful for financial relief.

You can pray with people from around the world.

This is a picture of Lourdes in the flood on June 2013. 
I just can't imagine the river getting that high.

The holiest site at Lourdes, this is the grotto in which Mary appeared to Bernadette in 1858 and the source of the shrine's healing waters.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chateau La Riviere night

Went to chateau Riviere for an aperitif and performance by Lily. 

Took a tour of the most amazing wine cellars I have ever seen!