We were waiting to get a new puppy after our adoption, since that didnt happen
we decided to go ahead and get a new Swiss Shepard. We
didnt use the same breeder as Jefe because she has moved to
Denmark and the price for getting him here was the price of another dog.
We found a breeder in Provence that we liked and went to visit her
to see the puppies.
We were very impressed with them and decided to choose one while
we were there. This year was the year of R which means you have to name
your puppy with the letter R which really limits you when it comes to
choosing names. We came up with the name of Rémy since the town
of Saint Rémy was nearby.
they were all adorable

picking him up and bringing him home

his is so darn cute!
is already learning his boundaries
Jefe wasnt quite sure about him but now they are buddies