There is a market everyday in a different town. They usually close at 12:00 but since we have been here we have been sleeping in until 10:30 have breakfast, shower,
finally ready to go out and oops it almost 12:00.
Today we set our alarms so we could visit one.

Goat cheese
In these parts the French just love oysters, this man is preparing
them to be eaten right then. I am not a big fan

Town church, we told Tatiana if lost her we would meet under the clock

They have Dora balloons here

Tatiana's favorite stand

Not quite sure where I would put these

The French love their soaps

I loved all the spices, if I only knew how to use them all

There is also tons of dried meats

We love the rotisserie chicken

Liked the cow table cloth :)

We loaded up on Olives, they even had one that
was called "Mexican olives" which were spicy.

We stopped for a crepe
A chocolate crepe
We had something funny happen to us. A friend of ours was coming to visit from Toulouse. He used his GPS to find our house. Well, his GPS took him to our neighbors house who is a 70 year old American lady who is called Mrs Fox. He knocked and knocked, walked around the house found the door open and walked in. It is a beautiful old mill house. He gave himself a tour then sat on the sofa and waited for us. He found English books and newspapers and felt he was in the right house. He was a bit annoyed that we weren't there when he told us he was coming. In the mean time Tatiana and I were out on the patio waiting for his arrival, bottle of wine in hand.
His time ran out and he had to go to his meeting so he wrote a note.. "Nice house, I gave myself a tour, sorry to miss you, Patrice"
I cant imagine what would have happened if Mrs Fox came home
and found Patrice sitting on her sofa!
More to this story:
Saw Mrs. Fox's daughter today and Mrs. fox thought I left the note and has been saying "Synthia came round and really liked my house she even gave herself a tour" Her daughter asked me not to say anything about a stranger entering her house because she has been ill and it might scare her.
I'm not sure how to take this new fame I have acquired, that I go around giving myself tours of neighbors homes.