Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dance recital

It was Tatiana's dance show. She did two dances one classic and one to "Thriller"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kermese 2010

There was a pilgrimage mass, everyone walked from Saint Emilion
to Saint George, it was about an hour walk. It was raining so we
decided not to go. I did get some quick shots :)


It was the school Kermese (dinner and fund raising)
all the vineyard owners donated bottles of wine to the school
and resold them for a profit. You had to get there pretty
early to get the best selection.
I volunteered to do the face painting

no one does face painting so any thing I did they were happy with

We were served an amazing lunch

our second course, stuffed with seafood

our good friend Stéphane and Mappi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is probably the best recipe I have ever had for brownies. It is pretty much fail proof. You will ALWAYS have soft chocolaty delicious tasting brownies with this recipe.


The things you will need

Melt the butter "bain Marie" style. I fill a pan with water and put a bowl with my broken chocolate in it. Dont let the water boil or it will go into the bowl.

its ready, sit and chucks will melt

break the eggs in your bowl

nice and fluffy

add the sugar and beat together till fluffy
put the butter in bowl and melt
add flower and stop beating now just stir

add baking powder
add salt and vanilla if you like

add your rich melted chocolate :))

add butter

chop up your nuts

add them
once all ingredients are mixed pour into your baking dish,
the French always line their bowl with parchment or wax paper,
I started doing this and it's so much easier, nothing ever sticks

bake at 150c for 20 min

with your chocolaty fingers set the timer, set it for 15 minutes then check on the brownies, Dont over cook, knife should come out slightly wet for moist brownies. Cook another
5 min if not done.

Forgot to take a picture of it when it came out of the oven,
here is whats left of them, these are seriously good

1 level teaspoon baking powder


3/4 cup or any nut you want or a mix of nuts  
about 1/2 cup (3.5 oz)  dark chocolate (75 % cocoa ) 
1/4 plain flour      
1 level teaspoon baking powder     
¼ level teaspoon salt        
1/4 tsp of vanilla optional 

Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4, 350°F (180°C)
Begin by chopping the nuts roughly, not too small, put the chocolate and butter together in a large mixing bowl fitted over a saucepan of barely simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn't touch the water.

Allow the chocolate to melt, mix it until smooth, remove it from the heat and simply stir in all the other ingredients until thoroughly blended.

Now spread the mixture evenly into the prepared tin and bake on the centre shelf of the oven for 25 minutes or until it's slightly springy in the centre. Remove the pan from the oven and leave it to cool for 10 minutes before cutting

Lemon tart

This is a very simple but absolutely delicious lemon tart

beat eggs

lemon rind

add very soft butter

add sugar

I put wax paper so it wont stick, then spread your pastry

pour the mix into the pastry

place sliced lemons on top
put in oven then cook at 150c till golden brown

let it cool down, slice and enjoy!

Lemon Tart

Ingrédients (for 6 person ) :

- 1 pate "brisée" or Feuilletée –

-150 g or 1 cup of sucre (sugar)-
- 100 g de beurre doux fondu (soft butter)
- 3 Oeufs (Eggs)
- 2 citrons ( lemon zest and juice)

Préparation :

Préchauffer le four à 200°C (Pre-heated your oven)
Mettre la pate dans le moule et piquer avec une fourchette

(put the pastry into your baking dish and prick holes with fork)

Battre les oeufs avec le sucre en poudre jusqu'à l'obtention d'un mélange blanc mousseux avec le mixer (robot) .
(Beat the eggs and the sugar with a mixer until light and fluffy).

Rapper le zest des citrons et puis presser les citrons

(zest your lemons then juice them).

Ajouter le jus de citrons ainsi que le beurre fondu et le zest

(mix the lemon juice, zest and melted butter )

Verser le tout dans le moule sur la pate

(Mix everything together, then pour into pastry and add few thin slices of lemons on the top.)

Enfourner et faire cuire environs 30 min. La préparation doit doré .

(bake for about 30 min until it is golden caramelized)

Voila c'est prèt !