Our first stop was Guangzhou
our room which was sooo stuffy that we asked to be moved
our view

nice big bathroom

where would we be with out a place to put our cell phones
the room where Michael will be speaking
everyone gets a toothpick
the next day we went for a walk around the hotel

it was very Vegas like with the Greek statues and water fountains
The Chinese love French architecture, on the tops of each building you have a chateau like tower
there are so many employees here, Im use to the French way where there is limited employees because of the tax you pay
those plastic hands are for clapping, they had those snacks but the minute we all sat down they took them away and started serving the food. 
you get served hot tea and some wine

chicken, no one eats the head its just so you know its chicken 
The Chinese Gambay all night and it pretty much means "bottoms up" you have to down the entire glass of wine in one gulp then show the other person your empty glass. I didnt know this the first night so I was just drinking my wine then the gambay started, I realized I shouldnt have touched my wine until the gambay.
all night from across the table or you are approached from behind for a gambay,
you have to stand up and down your drink
people are getting drunk and starting to spill 
they keep serving you hot tea, if you ask for a glass of water they bring you hot water
the food just kept on coming, I didnt try this I was too full and a bit drunk 
the pork plate , it was basically pork rind 
lobster with the head so you know what it is 
you can see they will serve a fish plate a chicken, pork,veggies and rice at the end of the meal in case someone is still hungry. If you do serve yourself some rice you have to eat it all, it is very rude to leave any rice. You can leave all the other food but no rice on your plate. 
Finally the fruit which means no more food coming out. They consider a tomato to be a fruit so its always in a fruit bowl. I know we do to but we use it as a vegetable.
This is just supposed to be a palate cleanser not really a dessert. Which is why they use
bland fruit and not some of the other exotic fruits they have.
No ones touched the rice. I noticed that at all the meals there was so much food the rice was untouched. It seemed that there was so much food left over, I dont know what they do with it after.
Toss it I suppose, what a huge waste.
more gambay, they had so many servers the minute you drank your wine
someone was there to give you a refill
Cedric spilled on himself and didnt even notice

for some reason the Chinese LOVE the thumbs up
the two bordeaux ladies 
lots of picture taking 
there was a raffle 
yes a reenactment of Titanic 

best view from a bathroom EVER!
this is downtown Guangzhou
the famous Canton tower
these two ladies Cathy and Stephanie were from Bordeaux and also invited to speak
very futuristic
oh no those toilets!
new years monkeys
we see people wearing masks every where
no sombreros sold here
we were taken to this ancient tea house for lunch
a bean cake , it was sweet. The Chinese dont have dessert (which is why they are so thin) they will have things like this for dessert.
this is Cedric who toured us around
most things here are steamed
I couldnt believe the loads these guys can bike around
we bought a selfie stick, man I look tired
Went to visit the Daohe Wine office
Cedric at this desk

went out to dinner at this amazing restaurant
it was Michael and Stephanies birthday!
a bit of Gambay!
Now we are off to Hangzhou!
fresh squeezed OJ at the airport
is all that coming on the plane?
Arriving and there are new buildings everywhere!
Our next hotel the doubletree
best view from bathroom
pillow menu