Wednesday, November 3, 2010

spider bite

On my birthday I woke up, picked up my shoes that were besides my bed and put 
them on. I felt something bite me. I tore off my socks and threw my shoe off. 
Michael looked inside my shoe and sock but couldnt find anything.
It was so painful, it felt like a bee sting. That night my foot swelled up and a 
ball of puss came up. I went to the hospital.
I was given antibiotics and something for the swelling. 

Day 2 

 Day 4 the swelling has gone down and now my foot is turning purple

 day 9 swelling is gone

day 11 where the poison was its now scabs, 
my foot looks dry and gray, its the photograph
in person its normal color just with scabs

Looks a bit like a spider doesnt it?

The doctor said because of the puss it was a spider, 
dont know what kind but now I am paranoid when I put my shoes on. 

Lately I have had an uncanny urge to climb the sides of the walls 
and just yesterday I crochet a web 


Shy-liz-ica said...

Thats narly! Ever find out what kind of spider bit you?

Synthia said...

Dont know what kind of spider since we never found it.