Tuesday, January 19, 2016


We are in Hangzhou now
Went to visit a temple in the West Lake area

people walk around with masks
this is the original temple which was destroyed and rebuilt

our laundry came back perfectly pressed, even the underwear!

they like their hot drinks 

lactic acid bacteria is yogurt :)
 at this restaurant there are no menu's you scan the code and the menu appears on
your cell phone and you order.

This was a beautiful hotel room
they had a cake for Michael which was delicious, not sweet at all, just whipped
cream and yummy cake 


privacy please!

incense in our room

always a pot tea around
 this little kit came with the room
 got back to our room for more cake! 
our laundry is so beautifully packaged, they even ironed Michael's underwear!

our view

off to dinner to meet the owner

Mr Chow the owner of the hotel, he owns 200 hotels!
our translator
foie gras just for us
the napkin is put under the plate and drapes on your lap
tower of beef

this is lotus root, which was excellent

duck roll, or as we Mexicans say "duck taco"

the fish course

they served a dessert for us because normally they dont do dessert, they made a creme brulée
this was sweet raw dough, it was really good
the end of the meal

now for a well needed foot massage

the breakfast room

so many choices and I only eat yogurt for breakfast
intestinal disc for breakfast

With Kathy our tour guide

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